Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Enso Thicket-mixed media photograph
Fine art prints will be available soon for purchase

This blog shows my images as well as journal pages with photos, blurbs and all things relating to fine arts practice. This blog also serves as a sort of website with my artist statement and gallery contact info.
Vacancy-mixed media photograph
Within the pages of this website are the images I’ve created and they mark a place in time and a record of my life and interaction within this world. My work is a personal document of the way I see and experience events. There have been difficult forces in my life that I have been able to withstand by entering a non-verbal, non-linear way of thinking and seeing, and I hope to express this way of seeing with my work.
Three Vaqueros-oil on canvas
As an artist, I enjoy a connection with all of humanity through a long line of predecessors in my field. This ancestry goes back to the early beginnings of our existence as human beings. When I touch my brush to a canvas, I feel in me the ancient hands that took up pieces of ocher and charcoal, and rubbing them on rock, made the first marks in our collective, artistic journey. Artistically, I find myself concerned with qualities of light, surface, color, and the riotous underbelly of life itself, its energy or essence. This work is a marker of my existence in this time and place, and I hope that it is a record for those around me too, friends, family and neighbors, both human and animal. It is a quiet diary of the daily affairs of life, the interconnected images and juxtapositions of the sentient and insentient components of our world.
Crown of Flame-mixed media photograph
 Lately, I seem to be interested in the creation of painterly worlds of my choosing and not simply the recording of the environs as I see them. It’s a conjuring of sorts, an alchemic meddling in which these world components are transmuted and reiterated into the kind of places that I want to see and inhabit, and I think that it’s in the sharing and mutuality of this work that the artistic process is completed. What I like most about painting is that it changes my mind.Painting is smarter than me and it melts the hardened templates of my thinking and shows me new possibilities. It de-ossifies my mental constructs and returns me to the wide open frontier of possibilities, and I'm left swimming in a giddy ocean of infinite ways and means that are completely beyond my probable grasp.

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