Tuesday, March 27, 2012

During the summer of 2011, my work went completely to the dogs.
Pele' Maps-mixed media photograph

That is to say that I began what has proven to be a relatively large and continuous body of work that presents my dogs in various attitudes and incarnations. The works on these pages represent this project, and were created by topically manipulating photographs of the subjects.
Tattooed Thicket-mixed media photograph

It's a process in which I physically add elements such as paint, or graphite to a hard copy photograph, or reduce elements from the photograph by pulling off layers of its surface. I found that I could present my pets in various, and sometimes comical ways that allowed a creative free play with the subject matter, and with the continued exploration of the transmutation themes that interest me.
Pele' as Leviathan-mixed media photographs

I often use the same photograph and alter it in different ways. Using image repeat with variation reminds me of a moving film where each frame is slightly modified from the one before it, and it bespeaks change and the passage of time, and indeed this work has become yet another manifestation of the endless play of life in change.

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